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How to Choose the Right POS Software
By deciding on POS software initially, retailers might save a lot of time and money!

Tip #1: Pick your point-of-sale software first.


I've heard retailers say things like, "I recently got new systems and printers and everything is ready to go." Now I'm on the lookout for point-of-sale software.” By deciding on POS software initially, these shops might have saved a lot of time and money!




It's crucial to choose the right point-of-sale system. It will have a huge impact on the productivity of your company! It's also likely that the new printers and scanners you just bought are not compatible. Your point of sale software must meet hardware and operating system requirements. For example, most of the applications will require a certain version of Windows, Unix, or Linux.

You can avoid frustration and save money in case if you choose the POS Software first. You can get some information about their recommended hardware and compatibility beforehand.


Tip #2 – Buy From One Source


You may encounter certain difficulties if you buy hardware and software from various companies. When you have a problem and seek for help, the ‘blame game' begins. It has been observed several times.

It's better if you get your hardware and software from the same source. You may spend a bit extra on average, but if you have a problem, it's worth it. They may also pre-configure the PC system for you, saving you time!


Tip #3 – Search for Industry Specific Software


If you've read thus far, I hope you've realized how critical it is to seek for software that is specifically designed for your industry.


Each retailer has different needs such as…

·        An apparel store requires a special “matrixing” feature so they can track various colours and sizes. Not all POS systems may have this feature which can save a lot of time. This is a compulsory feature for apparel stores.

·        A butchery requires integrated software and hardware for measuring weight for different products.

·        A liquor store needs to be able to differentiate whether the product is sold by the case, six-pack, or bottle.

·       A hardware store needs to be able to print barcodes or shelf edge labels (for those products that do not have barcodes, such as wood, steel, pipes, etc.).

·       Some retailers have specific E-Commerce/site needs. This can save much time.

·       And many more…


Tip #4 – Buy from an Established company


Many systems may come with a one- to three-year guarantee and perhaps on-site servicing. Your POS hardware (receipt printers, cash drawers, and so forth) will be covered for up to a year. It is preferable to buy from a reputable company to avoid warranty difficulties. If the company you purchased from goes out of business, the manufacturers will still be able to provide you with full assistance.


Tip #5 – Don’t Forget the Miscellaneous Items


When assessing and comparing quotations, you must consider the various components. They are able to quickly include! Some POS providers will cover everything, while others may exclude specific items from their estimate.


Here's a list of things to think about:

·         Training expenses

·         Set-up fees

·         Support fees

·         Software fees

·         Hardware fees (POS terminals, Receipt printers, Label printers, Barcode scanners, Cash drawers, Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS), Data points, and so on)

·         Software update / maintenance fees

·         Miscellaneous goods (Till roll, shelf edge labels, etc.) and many more…